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Hematite Bracelet 12 лет назад

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Hematite Bracelet

Magnetic Hematite considered to have healing properties because of it's high iron content and said to aid the kidneys, speed tissue regeneration and contribute to overall well being. Known as the protective stone, it is associated with the root chakra and known as the grounding stone. Magnetizing hematite allows us to create magnificent magnetic jewelry that combined the benefits of the high content of iron with the benefits of magnetic therapy. Magnetic hematite bracelets and hematite wraps come in many designs and shapes. Some can be used both as wrist bracelets and necklaces at the same time, which makes them ideal magnetic therapy healing and a fashionable piece of jewelry at the same time. When wearing a magnetic hematite bracelet, you can be sure of having a fashion statement combined with the benefits of magnetic therapy. We carry hematite magnetic bracelets and hematite bracelets that are completely manufactured - from start to finish - in a process where we can control the quality of hematite stones and the quality of the craftsmanship used. We ensure that our hematite magnetic bracelets and hematite bracelets use high quality hematite stones. Our hematite bracelets and hematite magnetic bracelets have different styles to enhance the design and the visual effect. Product Description Uniquely Designed Magnetic Hematite Bracelets For One Price - Brand New - Individually Packaged Each Is approx. 7 1/2 - 8" Long and 5/8" Wide - and Stretch... A Fashionable Way To Feel Great! Each has 11 Extra Strong 100% Hematite* 800+ Gauss Panel Magnets, making these have plenty of power to get the job done! Women Love This Style Too
