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Скачать с ютуб Maker Advent 2024 Day 10: Raspberry Pi 5 Captures Images, Sends Alerts via Node-RED and в хорошем качестве

Maker Advent 2024 Day 10: Raspberry Pi 5 Captures Images, Sends Alerts via Node-RED and 3 дня назад

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Maker Advent 2024 Day 10: Raspberry Pi 5 Captures Images, Sends Alerts via Node-RED and

Day 10 of Maker Advent and today I show you how to send images and notifications with via Node-RED, and wow is it simple! Node-RED is running on a Raspberry Pi 5, and I am using the official Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 to capture images. There is no "official" camera node, so I cheated and used the rpicam-jpeg command, called using an exec node. All of the code, can be found on Github I really do love and Node-RED, so this was a great introduction into using the pair together. I get no money from affiliate links or kickbacks. I paid for the Maker Advent tech with my own money.
