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CREATIVE JOURNAL Flip Through / SKETCHBOOK Tour !! 😍🎨🐰🥳✨

Here is my first CREATIVE JOURNAL flip through, with this style mixing Urban Sketching, Watercolor, Collage, Junk Journal, Bullet Journal and more and I am really excited to share it with you!! …😃  My style has always been close to a travel journal aesthetic, even when staying at home, and I especially like to include to my sketchbooks and journals Urban Sketches, Watercolor Paintings, Pencil drawings, Ink doodles and Ephemera, in order to give them a bit of an illustrated journal feeling. 😍 These days, my journal is even more full of a lot of creative expression together and I am in love with the surprising creative process going along with it! 🤩 🥳  To join my Patreon (Happy Mail, Artsy Pack and Mini-Palette project), feel free to have a peek in here : [  / followingthewhiterabbit  ](  / followingthewhiterabbit  . 🐰💕
