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Bun B vs Mayor in a Sneaker Battle |

On this episode of #LIFEATCOMPLEX Presents Sneaker Battle, we have the season finale! In one corner, everytime the words "sneaker collection" come up this man's name rings bells. He's top 2 and he's not two, the one they call Mayor is here to battle! And in the other corner, he is one half of the Underground Kingz, the trillest of OG's, Bun B is here to battle! We won't spoil the episode for you but there were a lot of unreleased sneakers shown in this battle, enjoy the episode and let us know who won! Get your Complex merch here: Find the best deals on sneakers and download the Sole Collector app: Subscribe to Complex on YouTube:    / @complex   Check out more of Complex here:   / complex     / complex     / complex COMPLEX is a community of creators and curators, armed with the Internet, committed to surfacing and sharing the voices and conversations that define our new America. Our videos exemplify convergence culture, exploring topics that include music, sneakers, style, sports and pop culture through original shows and Complex News segments. Featuring your favorite celebrities, authoritative commentary, and a unique voice, our videos make culture pop.
