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Nylex Life RP Beginner Guide (Feat. Alastor Pines) 9 месяцев назад

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Nylex Life RP Beginner Guide (Feat. Alastor Pines)

A comprehensive guide to help you start off on the Life RP server! IP: Port: 27015 Nylex's Store (purchase a reserved Slot/rank)- Join the Nylex Discord - Download Medal- Here are some slightly outdated but helpful resources! Interactive map- A very long detailed guide- Big thanks to all those who help/participated in some scenes: Josh (Unkn0wn_Gh0st) - Thxs For the W mini charter Idea Yoshi Kevin IMat Timmy Jay Todes Brocav Chris News Catman Raiden (Alastor Pines) If you have any question please don't hesitate to ping me in the Nylex Discord!
