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Скачать с ютуб Christmas Cracker Cycling Craziness with Coffee!! Watch some LIVE Cycling Action with OTR MyWhoosh в хорошем качестве

Christmas Cracker Cycling Craziness with Coffee!! Watch some LIVE Cycling Action with OTR MyWhoosh Трансляция закончилась 3 дня назад

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Christmas Cracker Cycling Craziness with Coffee!! Watch some LIVE Cycling Action with OTR MyWhoosh

Hey Riders! Let's get back to more racing on Fridays with OTR Virtual Events on MyWhoosh. We are our way to Christmas with Round 2 of 3 as the big day approaches rapidly. Today we will be riding in Colombia on the Coffee Trail, get fueled up with caffeine beforehand and blast the watts on this route. We will be riding a clockwise circuit of 27.8km(17.3miles) and only 97m(318feet) of climbing. Expect this one to be fast and watch for the small bumps at the bridges where you may be able to launch a winning attack. This event is open to all riders with results provided by Age Groups, get in and win your battles! #SmartTrainer #IndoorCycling #VirtualCycling #IndoorBikeTraining #ZwiftTrainingTips #MyWhooshVirtualRides #IndoorCyclingTips #SmartTrainerWorkouts #SmartTrainerReviews #BeginnerIndoorCycling #SmartTrainerSetup #IndoorCyclingForWeightLoss #MyWhooshTrainingPlans #HowToUseMyWhoosh #SmartTrainerVsSpinBike #IndoorCyclingApps #SmartTrainerMaintenance #IntervalTrainingCycling #FTPCyclingTest #WinterCyclingTraining #VirtualCyclingChallenges #SmartTrainerTechReviews #BestIndoorCyclingApps #InteractiveCyclingRides #NewSmartTrainers2024 #IndoorCyclingForBeginners #MyWhooshScenicRides #SmartTrainerVirtualRaces #BestBudgetSmartTrainers #ClimbingSimulations #IndoorCyclingCommunity #ImprovePowerOnSmartTrainer #CyclingMotivation #EnduranceCyclingWorkouts #SmartTrainerSetupTips #SmallSpaceCycling 📲 *Connect with Me:* Instagram: Facebook: I APPRECIATE ANY HELP & SUPPORT TO KEEP THE CHANNEL GOING! 🙏Thank you! 📢🔊"Buy Me a Coffee" 🍵🍵☕ = Help Fuel my ride: 💬 PLEASE COMMENT! Share your favorite moment in the comments! 🔥Stay tuned for more virtual cycling content and let’s conquer the virtual roads together! 🎯SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON RIDERS 🔔HIT The Notification Bell so you can see upcoming content! 👕👚Official "Inside Cycling World: Merchandise Available at Spreadshirt 📢 *Join the Ride:* 🚲🚴 🌐 Explore MyWhoosh: @mywhoosh Get yourself a smart trainer and get going on MyWhoosh! ⚠️ *Disclaimer:* Always consult your physician before starting a new exercise program.
