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Скачать с ютуб BMW X1 2018 review | The best premium small SUV? | What Car? в хорошем качестве

BMW X1 2018 review | The best premium small SUV? | What Car? 7 лет назад

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BMW X1 2018 review | The best premium small SUV? | What Car?

The BMW X1 faces off against the Audi Q3 and Mercedes GLA, but is it better than either of them? Visit to see how much we can save you on a new BMW X1. Read our full BMW X1 review: New videos are uploaded to What Car? each week. Don't miss a single one. Subscribe now: Visit our website at Buy a new car with What Car? at What Car? is the UK's biggest car-buying brand and has been helping Britain's car buyers make purchasing decisions for more than 40 years. Our tests are widely regarded as the most trusted source of new car advice. This channel brings you trusted reviews on all the new models on the market , all the latest first drives, reader reviews, and great car-buying advice. All reviews are available in full online at - the UK's leading car-buying website, offering trusted reviews and data on every new car. The website also offers advice on car leasing, new car deals and new and used cars for sale. Follow What Car? here: LIKE What Car? on Facebook: FOLLOW What Car? on Twitter: Check out our full video catalog:
