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Connections Episode 40: Uprising in Iran with Manijeh Moradian 2 года назад

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Connections Episode 40: Uprising in Iran with Manijeh Moradian

On Wednesday, 12 October Jadaliyya Co-Editor Mouin Rabbani discussed the current uprising in Iran with Manijeh Moradian. This episode of Connections examines the background and broader context of recent developments in Iran, and what impact they will have on Iran’s future. Connections offers timely and informative interviews on current events and broader policy questions, as well as themes relevant to knowledge production. It combines journalism, analysis, and scholarship. Guest Manijeh Moradian is assistant professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University. Her book, This Flame Within: Iranian Revolutionaries in the United States, is forthcoming from Duke University Press in November 2022. Her essays and articles have appeared in Hyperallgeric, American Quarterly,Routledge Handbook of the Global Sixties, Scholar & Feminist online, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Comparative Studies of South Asian, Africa, and the Middle East,Social Text online,, and Callaloo. She is a founding member of the Raha Iranian Feminist Collective and a member of the editorial board of the Iran Page. Host Mouin Rabbani has published and commented widely on Palestinian affairs, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the contemporary Middle East. He was previously Senior Analyst Middle East and Special Advisor on Israel-Palestine with the International Crisis Group, and head of political affairs with the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria. He is Co-Editor of Jadaliyya Ezine.
