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[Eng Sub] Seonozzi WAY Feat Lee Michelle 이미쉘

KCRUSH America Magazine This Wednesday only series will provide English subtitles on select videos. We hope you will enjoy. Are you looking for subtitled KPop videos? Visit our website now for more videos similar to this one. We create subtitles on selected videos just for you! Website: Founded in 2014, KCRUSH America Magazine is working toward bringing you information on your favorite Asian pop culture stars, beauty products, culture and etc. Whether you're interested in K-Pop, Asian cuisine, or wondering about life in Asia, we got you covered! We're always looking for new ways to reach our readers. If there's something you want to see or know about, let us know! We're always listening. Facebook: Twitter:   / kcrushmagazine   Google Plus: Pinterest:   / kcrushmagazine   k crush america k crush america magazine k crush kcrush kcrush america kcrush america magazine #KCrush #kcrushamerica
