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Dig Dug - Versions Comparison (HD 60 FPS)

Comparison Video of Dig Dug / ディグダグ (Namco, 1982), featuring gameplay of the first level of the following versions: 0:00 Arcade (1982) 0:49 Sord M5 (1982) 1:33 Atari 2600 (1983) 2:12 Atari 5200 (1983) 3:07 Atari 8-bit family (1983) 3:55 Casio PV-1000 (1983) 4:35 Commodore 64 (1983) 5:15 Commodore VIC 20 (1983) 5:51 NEC PC-6001mkII (1983) 6:49 NEC PC-8001mkII SR (1983) 7:31 NEC PC-8801 (1983) 8:11 NEC PC-8801mkII SR (1983) 9:06 PC Booter / PC DOS (1983) 9:47 Texas Instruments TI-99/4A (1983) 10:34 Gakken Tabletop (1983) 11:05 Apple II (1984) 12:01 MSX (1984) 12:46 Sharp X1 (1984) 13:42 Colecovision (Unreleased) (1984) 14:24 NES / Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom (1985) 15:03 Fujitsu FM-7 (1986) 15:41 Atari 7800 (1987) 16:16 Mattel Intellivision (1987) 16:48 Game Boy (Old Mode) (1992) 17:25 Game Boy (New Mode) (1992) 18:25 Sharp X68000 (1995) 19:14 Windows (1996) 19:55 PlayStation (1996) 20:42 Arcade (Original Mode) (1996) 21:27 Arcade (Arrangement) (1996) 22:04 Game Boy Advance (2001) 22:43 Game Boy Advance (Famicom Mini Series) (2004) 23:28 J2ME (2005) 24:10 PlayStation Portable / PSP (2005) 24:56 Xbox 360 (2008) NOTE: In this massive comparison we've purposely discluded some versions, as they are pure emulation of the arcade. In other cases, such as PalmOS and iOS Dig Dug remixed, has been impossible to find such versions, so they hasn't been included as well. Which port is your favorite? If you enjoyed the video give us a like, comment, share, subscribe, and don't forget to click the bell icon to receive new updates!
