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Ryan Inglis - How Things Change (Original) 16 лет назад

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Ryan Inglis - How Things Change (Original)

Ryan Inglis performs his original song 'How Things Change' @ The Claremont Vaults, Weston-Super-Mare on 25/07/08. When Ryan Inglis realised that time was what stopped everything happening at once, he wrote this song. HOW THINGS CHANGE VERSE 1: We are all so guilty we cannot see the truth You'd better make the most of your youth BRIDGE: I'd never change, if it meant I'd never be the same again I'll never feel no shame CHORUS If you're waiting for something To make a change in your life Don't be surprised If it takes some time You won't notice it happen You'll still feel the same But when you look back now You'll realise how things change VERSE 2: Things that you loved are meant to be lost And no matter the pain it's all worth the cost BRIDGE CHORUS BRIDGE CHORUS
