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Скачать с ютуб 2016-10-08 日本·东京 Tokyo, Japan 卢台长Master JunHong Lu 玄艺综述解答会【看图腾精选1】 в хорошем качестве

2016-10-08 日本·东京 Tokyo, Japan 卢台长Master JunHong Lu 玄艺综述解答会【看图腾精选1】 8 лет назад

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2016-10-08 日本·东京 Tokyo, Japan 卢台长Master JunHong Lu 玄艺综述解答会【看图腾精选1】

“心灵法门” 是观世音菩萨通过卢军宏台长传授给当下众生,适合当今众生根基的灵验法门,它属于大乘­佛法。卢军宏台长通过广播电台,互联网络大力宣传心灵法门,十年如一日,分文不收的救­人,在卢台长的身上正深刻诠释着观世音菩萨无缘大慈,同体大悲的救命济世精神。 “心灵法门”倡导念经,许愿,放生这三大法宝,让人自度度人,自觉觉他,从而脱离疾病­痛苦,化解矛盾障碍,提升智慧心性。因为其灵验之奇,见效之速,所以短短两三年间,深­入人心,在全世界就已拥有几百万的信众。 愿更多的有缘众生能够搭乘观世音菩萨的救度之船: 净化心灵,离苦得乐,超脱烦恼,消除孽障,超度有缘,还清冤债,广度众生,同登极乐,­共攀四圣! GUAN YIN CITTA DHARMA DOOR Master JunHong Lu A Practical Buddhist Approach to Alleviating Suffering and Making Life Better Enhance Physical and Mental Well-Being at No Cost! Sometimes feel disoriented? have attended many courses but still feel helpless in the face if pain, sorrow and suffering? Did you know that reciting Buddhist sutras and mantras can bring you calm and enhance mindfulness? And did you know that vowing to become a vegetarian or setting animals free can help you deal with problems you encounter? Hapiness is not far away Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door provides an effective and systematic way of finding peace in a turbulent world. It gives detailed guidance on solving common issues relating to health, relationship, career, etc. With Guan Yin Bodhisattva to count on, you are no longer on your own. Master JunHong Lu, a world-renowned spiritual teacher with ten million followers around the world, crystallizes the working of karma and explains its influences on our physical and mental well-being. Most importantly, he provides proven solutions, based upon traditional Buddhist teachings, for these issues. His guidance is FREE and EFFECTIVE. You can find Master Lu's Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door practice centres in these countries and regions: Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Canada, and the USA. Learning materials, Buddhist books, and DVDs CAN BE OBTAINED FREE OF CHARGE in these countries. Why does reciting Buddhist scripture matter? Buddhist scriptures (sutras) are the sayings of the Buddha. when reciting them, you will benefit from the blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Recitation will not only help eliminate your negative karma; it will also bring strength, wisdom and inner peace, so that you can overcome all kinds of obstacles. And IT DOES NOT COST A CENT. All it requires is PERSISTENCE AND WHOLEHEARTED SINCERITY. 如想详细了解卢台长心灵法门,请登录“东方台卢军宏台长的博客” Contact info: 卢台长博客 Website: (mandarin version) (english version) 澳洲东方华语电台 Australia Oriental Radio 地址 Address: 54 Meagher St, Chippendale Sydney NSW 2008 Australia 咨询电话 For any inquiries please contact: +61-2-9283 2758 新加坡心灵法门共修会 (Singapore) Address: 11 Chang Charn Road #05-01, Shriro House, Singapore 159640 Tel: +65 6222 2603/ +65 6222 8060 Monday to Saturday 10am-8pm Sunday and Public holiday 10am-6pm 香港心灵法门共修会 (Hong Kong) Address: 九龍葵涌葵昌路26至38號豪華工業大廈9樓C室 Tel: 6211 8515/ 2657 1255 (10am-8pm) 澳門心灵法门共修会 (Macau) Address: 澳門畢仕達大馬路中福商業中心8樓B座, 853 Taipa, Ilhas, Macau Tel: 2855 8216 (10am-6pm) 台湾心灵法门共修会 (Taiwan) 台北心灵法门共修会 (Taipei) Address: 台北市忠孝東路一段150號10樓之3 Tel: 02-2322 3900/ 09-7573 8750 (10am-6pm) 高雄心灵法门共修会 (KaohSiung) Address: 高雄市建國二路26號2樓 Tel: 07-2362316 台中心灵法门共修会 (TaiChung) Address: 台中市北屯區北屯路390號10樓之1 (阿波羅企業廣場) Tel: 04-2243 9359/ 09-7123 3916 印尼心灵法门佛教学会 (Indonesia) Yayasan Xin Ling Fa Men Buddha Kepri (Batam) Address: Komplek Ruko Taman Niaga Blok L No.1 Sukajadi Batam, Kepri, Indonesia. Tel: 0778 4083 999/ 0821 7496 4422 Indonesia Xing Ling Fa Men Buddha Institute (Jakarta) Address: JL Danau Sunter Selatan Blok O IV No.30, Sunter Agung Podomoro Jakarta 14350, Indonesia. Tel: 0822 9858 8687/ 0818 0838 2854 马来西亚卢台长心灵法门共修总会 (Malaysia) Address: 62A-2, Jalan Seri Utara 1, Seri Utara Off Jalan Ipoh, 68100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6257 3811 /6257 4812 /6241 9353 /6258 3811 Monday to Sunday 10am-10pm (初一十五:8am-10pm) 祈求观世音菩萨保佑所有观赏此视频的人能够开智慧,消业障。 如果有任何不如理不如法的地方,请南无观世音菩萨原谅。
