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Скачать с ютуб [3.0] Sumeru Lore Roundup - What we learned from the Archon and Aranara quests в хорошем качестве

[3.0] Sumeru Lore Roundup - What we learned from the Archon and Aranara quests 2 года назад

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[3.0] Sumeru Lore Roundup - What we learned from the Archon and Aranara quests

SPOILER WARNING!! If you have not completed Pages of Purana acts one and two, AND all four acts of the Aranara World Quest Series put this video on your watch later list. There was an absolutely massive amount of lore dropped with Genshin Impact v3.0 and it took a while to sift through it all. This video isn't going to serve as a recap for all of the stuff that takes place in the quests, but instead it will consolidate all of the key things we learned minus a few things that will be getting their own videos like the Ruin Golem. *TIMESTAMPS* 0:00 Introduction 0:57 The Irminsul Tree 4:10 The Akasha System 9:48 Knowledge Capsules 14:40 Sumeru's History (Timeline) 19:30 The Withering 20:46 The Aranara 24:58 Seelies and the Moon Sisters 28:41 Rapid-Fire Roundup (Small bits of lore)
