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Скачать с ютуб Is Your Distributor Working? | A People's Guide to Publishing в хорошем качестве

Is Your Distributor Working? | A People's Guide to Publishing 1 месяц назад

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Is Your Distributor Working? | A People's Guide to Publishing

How does a publisher know if a distributor is working for them? Odds are, if you're asking that question, they probably aren't! This week on the pod, Joe and Elly give you a few tips on what numbers and data points to look at, how to tell if a distributor is adding value to your enterprise, and revaluating if your contract is getting in your way. ************ Thank you for watching the People's Guide to Publishing vlogcast! We post new episodes every Thursday about publishing, authors, and the book industry. You can also listen via your preferred podcast app, or by visiting Get the book: Get the workbook: More from Microcosm: More by Joe Biel: More by Elly Blue: Subscribe to our monthly email newsletter: Find us on social media: Facebook:   / microcosmpublishing   Twitter:   / microcosmmm   Instagram:   / microcosm_pub   ************
