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A quick set of the best exercises for kids can be extremely useful in everyday life. In addition to being a good choice of physical activity for children, this type of exercise can be performed anywhere, whether indoors or outdoors, as it does not require any equipment. It only takes 26 minutes for children to complete these sets of full-body movements, ensuring they can strengthen their muscles and burn some calories. Let's show children that exercising can be fun and that a stronger body will give them more energy to do their daily tasks. Enjoy this workout today, and be sure to subscribe to the channel if you'd like to receive more physical activities ideas for kids. Have a nice weekend and let’s begin the workout! 💪 TIMECODES: 00:00 Burpees 00:46 Rest 01:08 Knee Drive 01:58 Rest 02:20 Leg Drops 03:15 Rest 04:13 Burpees 05:03 Rest 05:25 Knee Drive 06:15 Rest 06:37 Leg Drops 07:33 Rest 08:30 Burpees 09:24 Rest 09:47 Knee Drive 10:36 Rest 10:59 Leg Drops 11:54 Rest 12:52 Burpees 13:50 Rest 14:22 Knee Drive 15:12 Rest 15:34 Leg Drops 16:30 Rest 17:27 Burpees 18:29 Rest 19:02 Knee Drive 19:51 Rest 20:14 Leg Drops 21:09 Rest 22:07 Burpees 23:17 Rest 23:50 Knee Drive 24:39 Rest 25:02 Leg Drops ---------------------------- #LittleSports
