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美式鬆餅!不用買!食譜超簡單!現學現賣!Very Easy Pancake Recipe! 3 года назад

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美式鬆餅!不用買!食譜超簡單!現學現賣!Very Easy Pancake Recipe!

自製手工鬆餅粉!好吃的鬆餅超簡單做的!再也不必去外邊買鬆餅粉了!用鑄鐵鍋或不沾鍋煎出經典的美式鬆餅!ONLY needs a few minutes! It's super easy to make homemade pancake at home! It's delicious and save you money! 美式鬆餅是一道跨素簡單又美味的早餐,午餐,晚餐,早午餐,午晚餐!哈!難怪美國人隨時都能想到吃鬆餅!畢竟在不知要吃什麼的時候,鬆餅能在幾分鐘內就讓您任意地搭配沙拉,水果,楓糖漿,果醬,芝士,甚至家裡冰箱裡的剩菜都能完美地與鬆餅搭配來吃。手工美式鬆餅 超簡單做!快速美味的一餐!Homemade Pancake! Super Easy & Tasty! 美式鬆餅!隨便你吃!不用買粉,快速又美味! 鬆餅粉的食材: 1 1/3 中筋麵粉 1 小匙鹽 2 大匙糖 1 大匙泡打粉 1杯燕麥奶 (或用牛奶,豆漿,酪漿/酪乳)- 可先用微波爐熱45秒鐘 2 小匙純香草精 1個蛋 2大匙黃油/牛油 和 2大匙酪梨油 (也可用4大匙黃油/牛油 或 4大匙酪梨油) 用不沾鍋來煎鬆餅,聚熱性佳。下入一小塊牛油,待融化起泡後,就能在鍋內加入1/4到1/2杯麵糊。注意火候,隨時調整火力。第一面鬆餅煎幾分鐘呈現金黃色後翻面,再煎個一分鐘左右即可出鍋!雖說鬆餅專家都說在煎了第一塊鬆餅之後,鬆餅顏色就會變得均勻。但說真的,我個人還比較喜歡鬆餅表面顏色有深有淺,對我來說,這樣反而覺的好看,增加我的食慾。 Homemade pancakes! Delicious pancakes/pancake flour are super easy to make! You will never need to go outside to buy pancake flour again! It's best to pan fry classic pancakes in a cast iron pan or non-stick pan! Yummy & Tasty Homemade Pancake! American muffin is a simple and delicious meal -It can be for breakfast, lunch, dinner, brunch, lunch and dinner! A "whenever" meal! No wonder Americans can always think of making and eating pancakes anytime! After all, when you don’t know what to eat, pancakes can be quickly made, and it goes so well with salads, fruits, maple syrup, jam, cheese, and even leftovers in the fridge. Ingredients for making pancakes/pancake flour: 1 1/3 all-purpose flour 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp baking powder 1 cup oat milk (can use milk, soy milk, or buttermilk) - can be heat up in microwave for 45 seconds before use 2 tsp pure vanilla extract 1 egg 2 tbsp butter and 2 tbsp avocado oil (can use 4 tbsp butter or 4 tbsp avocado oil) Use a non-stick pan to fry the , which has good heat gathering. Add a small pat of butter, and when it is melted and bubbling, add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of batter to the pan. Pay attention to the heat and adjust the heat accordingly. Pan the first side for a few minutes and flip it over and pan fry for another minute or so. I personally like the pancakes with light and dark color on my pancakes. It looks better to me than all the even color. :-) Unfortunately, it's just my personal preference. 自制手工松饼粉!好吃的松饼超简单做的!再也不必去外边买松饼粉了!用铸铁锅或不沾锅煎出经典的美式松饼! Yummy & Tasty Homemade Pancake! 美式松饼是一道跨素简单又美味的早餐,午餐,晚餐,早午餐,午晚餐!哈!难怪美国人随时都能想到吃松饼!毕竟在不知要吃什么的时候,松饼能在几分钟内就让您任意地搭配沙拉,水果,枫糖浆,果酱,芝士,甚至家里冰箱里的剩菜都能完美地与松饼搭配来吃。手工美式松饼 超简单做!快速美味的一餐! Homemade Pancake! Super Easy & Tasty! 松饼粉的食材: 1 1/3 中筋面粉 1 小匙盐 2 大匙糖 1 大匙泡打粉 1杯燕麦奶 (或用牛奶,豆浆,酪浆/酪乳) -使用之前,可在微波炉内热45秒钟 2 小匙纯香草精 1个蛋 2大匙黄油/牛油 和 2大匙酪梨油 (也可用4大匙黄油/牛油 或 4大匙酪梨油) 用不沾锅来煎松饼,聚热性佳。下入一小块牛油,待融化起泡后,就能在锅内加入1/4到1/2杯面糊。注意火候,随时调整火力。第一面松饼煎几分钟呈现金黄色后翻面,再煎个一分钟左右即可出锅!虽说松饼专家都说在煎了第一块松饼之后,松饼颜色就会变得均匀。但说真的,我个人还比较喜欢松饼表面颜色有深有浅,对我来说,这样反而觉的好看,增加我的食欲。 美式鬆餅/鬆餅/pancakes/homemade pancakes/pancake recipe 萍萍譜食樂 Priscilla's Joyful Kitchen Notes - Youtube視頻主畫面    / @priscillasjoyfulkitchennotes   每個人的生活裡都存在著快樂,難過,奮鬥,失望,沮喪,期盼和願望。而我呢?我就想把自己對生活的一些感受和對享受美食的熱情,轉換成視頻與大家分享!尤其是現今的世界裡,許多的人事物都在快速地改變中,而在這些瞬息萬變之際,但願我們都不會迷失了自己的方向。也願我們也都能不時地慢下腳步來,享受生活,家人,真心朋友與美食帶給我們的滿足感和幸福感。 我要特別感謝Gabe Van Sloun, 在我的視頻中分享他原創鋼琴音樂曲。他十八歲,卻已經才華橫溢。我好愛他能觸動我心的跳躍美妙音符! 如果喜歡我的視頻,請點讚,轉發,留言並歡迎訂閱我的頻道!從2021年起,這裡的視頻都是我自己錄製,剪接,配音和上傳的。感謝您的收看與支持! There are happiness, sadness, struggle, expectation and desire in everyone's life. I just want to convert some of my feelings about life and my passion of making food into videos and share with you. Thanks for watching my videos! Especially during this changeable time, I hope we will not lose our directions in life. I also hope that we can slow down from time to time, so we can enjoy the happiness and love that life, family, friends and food can bring to us. I want to thank Gabe Van Sloun, who shared his original background piano music with me in my videos. He is only 18 years old, but he is very talented. I love his lively music notes because they touch my heart! 通過輕鬆的烹飪和優美的鋼琴音樂 讓身心靈得到最快的調整和喜樂! JOYFUL MEDITATIONS THROUGH BEAUTIFUL PIANO MUSIC AND RELAXING COOKING! Follow me on Instagram:   / pingpingsfood   Video filming 視頻攝影: 萍萍 PingPing / Priscilla Video editing 視頻剪輯: 萍萍 PingPing / Priscilla Background piano music composed and played by 背景鋼琴音樂寫曲和彈奏: Gabe Van Sloun
