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New World Mining Guide 2 месяца назад

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New World Mining Guide

Hello there this is a New World Mining Guide where we will be going over Gear, Tools, Perks, Buffs, Node Information, Websites and we will be showing routs and locations for Iron, Silver, Gold, Starmetal, Platinum, Orichalcum and Mythril. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or tone into the stream on twitch "rage_u_mad" we are normally live around midnight CST. Useful websites neworld-map Intro 0:00 Gear 0:10 Amulet 1:32 Ring/Earing 1:44 Pickaxe 1:50 Bags 3:15 Buffs 4:12 Node Information 5:57 Route information 7:08 Iron/Silver/Starmetal route 8:48 Gold route 13:16 Gold/Platinum 14:23 Starmetal 16:05 Orichalcum 17:02 Mythril 18:23 Outro 19:35
