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Скачать с ютуб Pearl diving in Indonesia | SLICE | Full documentary в хорошем качестве

Pearl diving in Indonesia | SLICE | Full documentary 2 года назад

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Pearl diving in Indonesia | SLICE | Full documentary

For centuries, Aru pearls have been renowned for their purity and beauty. They are the most precious resource of these remote islands. From September to November, Babar dives for oysters, using a traditional, ancestral method. All these oysters are sold to specialized farms, where they are operated on. After this delicate operation, they are gathered together and permitted to age peacefully in the water and produce pearls. Documentary: Land of legends - Pearl Diving Direction: Vincent Grémillon et Benoît Ségur Production: ZED & LA CINQUIEME & AB PRODUCTIONS SLICE wants to fill up your curiosity! Accessible to anyone from anywhere at any time, this channel is your weekly dose of short docs about curious facts, discoveries, astounding info, unusual stories, weird, fun and instructive. Be smart, have a slice! Subscribe now ►►►    / @slicedocumentary   Follow us 👇 In French:    / slicefr   Facebook:   / slicedocs   Instagram:   / slicedocs  
