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Скачать с ютуб 2023 GAC GS8 review: Ford Explorer rival tested | Top Gear Philippines в хорошем качестве

2023 GAC GS8 review: Ford Explorer rival tested | Top Gear Philippines 1 год назад

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2023 GAC GS8 review: Ford Explorer rival tested | Top Gear Philippines

New industry player GAC wants to make an impact on the local market—and when it comes to making a big impact, the GAC GS8 is one of the more imposing-looking cars you’ll come across on the road. Technically, it’s still a midsize SUV, but in terms of sheer size and road presence, it’s bigger than the players in that segment. What does the asking price of P2,298,000 give you, and can it truly challenge the top-of-mind vehicles in this class? Watch our review to find out. Dig cars? Read more about cars and motoring here: Like us on Facebook:   / topgearph   Tweet us:   / topgearph   Follow us on Instagram:   / topgearph   Join us on Tiktok:   / topgearph   #topgearph #topgearphreviews #carreviewsphilippines VSKQVGE21J0EGWMN 2CMLBTBVWIEOFZYZ UEAR0WSZCFK881HV XJAC2BERV4KGGOLS BQHPAERUCENM5N6E
