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Butchering and Cooking a Whole Lamb! The Perfect Meat Dish

Hello everybody! Welcome to our channel! Today we are happy to share with you a delicious and juicy recipe for cooking and butchering a whole lamb. Join us and we will tell you about every stage of cooking this delicious dish, starting with cutting meat and ending with the tender cooking of pilaf and other dishes in lamb. So, have a cup of your favorite drink, sit back and relax with us while we prepare this amazing dish. Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe to get more delicious recipes and relaxing cooking videos from us! Enjoy cooking! My facebook page:   / victoriainthekitchenofficial   Support me and my channel ❤️   / @royal_cooking_   Watch my videos: ◽ Beef Kidneys with Vegetables are Delicious and Cheap! A Useful Recipe from the Inside -    • Beef Kidneys with Vegetables are Deli...   ◽ Goose Stuffed with Quails and Cooked in the Oven! Idea for a Festive Table -    • Видео   ◽ Beef Baked Inside A Pineapple! The Best Beef Stew Recipe -    • Видео   - ◽ The Best Meat Recipes from Victoria that everyone wants to taste! Festive Dishes -    • The Best Meat Recipes from Victoria t...   ◽ Lamb Pilaf for a Chic Dinner! A dish for the Whole Family -    • Lamb Pilaf for a Chic Dinner! A dish ...   ❤️ My main channel:    / Мужикнакухне   If you liked the video, then be sure to like it, click the bell and subscribe to the channel! So you will definitely not miss anything, and we will be pleased that you stay with us 😊 #lamb #food #cooking
