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HOW TO Blow Out an Underground Water Line ~ Quick & Easy

Today I will show you how to blow out an underground water line. If you live in an area where the ground freezes, underground water lines to your garden, barn, lawn sprinkler etc. will need to have the water blown out of them to prevent them from freezing and splitting. So, unless they are buried below frost level this is a task that needs to be done before winter arrives. I'll show you how to save money and do the job yourself with the small compressor you may already have. I picked up a 7 gallon air tank to expand the volume of my 4.3 gallon compressor. Let's get started! Add a Water Spigot in your Garden:    • Add a Water Spigot in your Garden   Click link to Subscribe:    / @backyardmaine   Affiliate Links: -Air to Water Pipe Adaptor
