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Gotham Knights Character Guide - Which Knight is Best? (All Heroes & Skills)

Gotham Knights Character Guide - Which Knight is Best? (All Heroes & Skills) Gotham Knights features four heroes to choose from; Robin, Batgirl, Red Hood and Nightwing. Each knight has their own strengths and weaknesses. In this video, I'll go through each of the four characters, and break down their skills, abilities and hero playstyles to help you pick a main. Enjoy! ᐅᐅBecome a Member: ᐊᐊ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔔 Social Media 🔔 ► ►Merch: ► ►Shorts:    / @norzzasnook   ► ►Twitter:   / norzzatv   ► ►Instagram:   / norzzatv   ► ►Twitch:   / norzza   ► ►Discord:   / discord   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⏯More of my Content⏯ ►►20+ Gotham Knights Tips:    • 20+ CRITICAL Gotham Knights Tips and ...   ►►Elden Ring All Katanas Ranked:    • Elden Ring All Katanas Ranked! - Whic...   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 💻My Setup 💻 ►►Content Creation PC: ►►Streaming Setup: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - Gotham Knights Which Knight is Best? 00:16 - Character Switching 00:54 - Red Hood Breakdown 02:32 - BatGirl Breakdown 04:02 - Robin Breakdown 05:28 - Nightwing Breakdown 07:10 - Which Knight is Best? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Additional Description Tags): gotham knights tips and tricks, gotham knights gameplay, gotham knights tips, gotham knights Nightwing, gotham knights batgirl, gotham knights robin, gotham knights how to play, gotham knights tips for beginners, gotham knight, gotham knights guide, gotham knight tips and tricks, gotham knight tips, gotham knights beginners guide, gotham knights red hood, gotham knights best character, gotham knights mods, gotham knights crafting, gotham knights combat guide #GothamKnights #GothamKnightsTips #GothamKnightsGuide
