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Скачать с ютуб The Evolution of Diversity in Education | Maddy Chai | TEDxSacredHeartSchoolsAtherton в хорошем качестве

The Evolution of Diversity in Education | Maddy Chai | TEDxSacredHeartSchoolsAtherton 2 года назад

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The Evolution of Diversity in Education | Maddy Chai | TEDxSacredHeartSchoolsAtherton

In this talk, Chai unpacks the true meaning of diversity in the education system. Starting with the Little Rock Nine in 1957, diversity has been a priority of American society. Although the implication of diversity has been recognized, the idea of diversity has not been adapted to fit the modern education system. Chai reflects on relatable personal experiences of cultural assimilation attending a predominantly white school and challenges the audience to think about how their experiences may be similar. This talk resolves the missing piece to achieving a culturally diverse education system, and how schools must work to cultivate a safe community where students are not afraid to be themselves. Maddy Chai is a current junior at Sacred Heart Prep Atherton. In her free time, Maddy enjoys dancing, skiing, and spending time with friends. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
