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Grounded: Brick Bottom House (Build Guide)

A Grounded Mid game building tutorial which shows how to make this House with a stone bottom. More Helpful Building Videos here:    • Build Guides Various Games   This Grounded House is designed in such a way that all the crafting benches and refiners are outside, and all the comfort items are neatly inside the building, a nice blend of aesthetics and function with enough storage space in the basement to fit A LOT of storage. I made on my second channel and originally didn't feel like I wanted to share it on my main channel due to using a very similar design in valheim already, but! people seem to be ok with me building the same idea across different games, so! here it is. Estimated Resources: Clover: 240 Stems: 220 Bricks: 180 Grass Planks: 100 Sap: 80 Timestamps: Start: 0:00 Floor: 0:45 Basement walls: 1:59 First Floor: 3:54 Roof: 6:22 Details: 8:27 Interior: 10:12 End Screen: 13:28 I hope you enjoyed the video! and thank you for watching.
