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When the media tries to coverup the A.I. takeover...

Mankind rebuilds after Artificial Intelligence nearly wipes out the human race. Two young siblings, left in the care of a domesticated combat robot, embark on a journey to find their missing wiz-bang father after finding out he may have been kidnapped by a terrorist organization and illegal high-tech weapons dealers. Doomsday Chronicles is a 10th Legion Pictures Production. ============================================================================== Thanks for watching. Please subscribe using the link below so we can continue making new content. Your subscription to the channel means a lot to us! Subscribe here:    / 10thlegionpictures   ============================================================================= About us: 10th Legion Pictures is a Veteran owned independent film production company.   / 10thlegionpictures   Writer/Director/Producer: Michael Droberg Director of Photography/Producer: Chad Muncy Producer/VFX artist: Thiago Desouza #doomsdaychronicles #doomsdaychroniclesshortfilm
