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The Hidden Power in Meditation 🔥🔥🔥 - Apostle Michael Orokpo

The Hidden Power in Meditation🔥🕊️ In this heartfelt talk, Apostle Orokpo shares insights that go beyond the surface. Prepare your hearts and let's explore the beauty and power of meditation together. You don't want to miss this Life changing Moment . Credit: Encounter Jesus Ministries International Note: We own the copy right to the footages used in this Video Footages used in this Video are licensed through Storyblocks and are free to use for commercial and personal projects. We have purchased a package from and we have a valid license from storyblocks to use footages from the website. __________________________________________________ Our Purpose when making these videos is to make quality educational, inspirational and Motivational Videos and Share these with our viewers. We Create videos that will change your lives using materials of some of your Favorite Ministers through the Help of the Holy Spirit Stay Connected. God Bless You 🛑 CONNECT WITH US 🛑
