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Should You Get It? Cheap And Versatile IKEA TV Bench 3 года назад

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Should You Get It? Cheap And Versatile IKEA TV Bench

This is the Lack TV bench from IKEA. In this furniture review video, we'll be going in depth to see if you should get this cheap and versatile TV unit. As a TV stand, I would say that it only fits up to a 40 inch TV. I tested out a larger sized TV and the stand of the TV was too big for the top of this IKEA bench. A good thing I noticed was that even without securing the Lack TV unit to the wall, it was still pretty stable. As it doesn't look like a traditional style TV bench, you can also turn it into a small bookcase or a shelving unit for your personal items to display. One minor problem I noticed about this TV unit is that fingerprints and smudges show pretty easily on the surface. But if you're looking for a TV bench that is cheap and you don't have a TV larger than 40 inches, then it's honestly a pretty good purchase. *We are not sponsored by IKEA* *Prices may vary* If you're interested in buying the Lack TV stand from IKEA, check out the links below. Canada - U.S.A - Like and subscribe if you enjoyed this IKEA furniture review! Thanks for the support!
