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BOB HARO | 'On Your Bikes' TV Show | NEC 1983 | 5 лет назад

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BOB HARO | 'On Your Bikes' TV Show | NEC 1983 |

Way back in 1983, Bob Haro appeared on 'On Your Bikes' on UK TV with Phil Liggett. 📺 Get More Great Videos every day! If you look carefully you can see Andy Ruffell & Tim March steadying the Quarterpipe.. Bob Haro (born June 29, 1958, in Pasadena, California) is a former freestyle BMX rider turned artist and business executive. He is the founder of Haro Bikes and was one of the most important early innovators of BMX freestyle. He began biking in his high school sophomore year when he ran out of money riding dirt bikes. His father bought him a Honda 100 and he stripped the bike down to compete in motorcycle races. He won over 50 motocross trophies by 1975. Around 1976, he got into BMX biking by racing his brother's bike out behind a bike shop in San Diego. After moving to Stockton, California as a result of his parents' divorce, Bob really got started racing and riding for a sponsor for Molina's Bike Shop. He was one of a small group of BMX'ers in that town to perform many of the common tricks. In 1978, Haro teamed up with R. L. Osborn to form the very first freestyle BMX team, which made its debut at ABA's Winternationals in Chandler, AZ. In 1981 Bob Haro and Bob Morales traveled on tour together performing shows all over the Midwest, Eastern United States, and parts of Canada to enthusiastic crowds. Also, in 1981, Haro was involved in the Steven Spielberg production of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial as a stunt rider. In 1981 Bob Haro designed the first frame and fork tailored to freestyle BMX. The frameset was manufactured by the bicycle company Torker and became commercially available in 1982 and was marketed as the Haro Freestyler. He stopped riding in 1985 after four knee surgeries and, in 1987, he was inducted into the American Bicycle Association Hall Of Fame. In 1993 he founded his own company, Haro Design, Inc., a design and marketing company in Cardiff, CA. Bob Haro also invented the style of Flatland BMX. In 2012, as part of the London Olympic Games, Bob Haro choreographed the Dove bike sequence in the Opening ceremony. ➡️ The Stuntabiker Channel is a journey back to the 80s & 90s. It’s the world’s greatest library of Old School BMX Racing and Freestyle videos. Our Channel Features over 1,000 videos of legendary BMX Racing & Freestyle riders. Stars like Andy Ruffell, Eddy King, Stu Thomsen, Eddie Fiola, Craig Schofield, Tim Judge, Richie Anderson, Gary Ellis, Tim March, Geth Shooter, Andy Patterson, Brian Patterson, Nelson Chanady, Eric Rupe, Harry Leary, Tommy Brackens, Mike Miranda, Clint Miller, Greg Hill, Mike Dominguez and many more. ✅ Make sure to Like, Favorite and Share this video and subscribe if you haven't done so already, fast subscribe here - #bobharo #stuntabiker #bmx #bmxfreestyle #legendsoffreestyle #oldschoolbmx
