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Скачать с ютуб Is Bedard’s slow start the reason for Richardson firing? | OverDrive Hour 2 | 12/05/24 в хорошем качестве

Is Bedard’s slow start the reason for Richardson firing? | OverDrive Hour 2 | 12/05/24 7 дней назад

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Is Bedard’s slow start the reason for Richardson firing? | OverDrive Hour 2 | 12/05/24

Bryan Hayes, Jeff O’Neill and Jamie McLennan are joined by Team Canada Associate General Manager and Dallas Stars GM Jim Nill to discuss naming Team Canada, how the 50/50 decision were made, the handlings of executives club team players, Canada’s goalie situation, how they’ll deal with potential injuries and more. They also chat about the Chicago Blackhawks firing Luke Richardson as head coach, the reason potential reason for it and comparing the two dynasties and mindsets in Chicago and Pittsburgh. They are also joined by TSN NFL analyst Luke Willson to discuss the Thursday Nighter between the Packers and Lions, Aaron Rodgers’ future next season and they make their Thursday Night pick as Hayes and Bro and Team O’Win Willson go head-to-head all season long.
