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The Police - Walking On The Moon (Official Music Video)

The Official Music Video for Walking On The Moon. Taken from The Police - Reggatta de Blanc. Stream more of The Police: Subscribe to The Police YouTube: Watch more: Official store: Follow The Police online: YouTube: Facebook: – Instagram: - Twitter: Newsletter: Website: -- Lyrics: Giant steps are what you take Walking on the moon I hope my legs don't break Walking on the moon We could walk forever Walking on the moon We could live together Walking on, walking on the moon Walking back from your house Walking on the moon Walking back from your house Walking on the moon Feet they hardly touch the ground Walking on the moon My feet don't hardly make no sound Walking on, walking on the moon Some may say I'm wishing my days away No way And if it's the price I pay Some say Tomorrow's another day You stay I may as well play Giant steps are what you take Walking on the moon I hope my legs don't break Walking on the moon We could walk forever Walking on the moon We could be together Walking on, walking on the moon Some may say I'm wishing my days away No way And if it's the price I pay Some say Tomorrow's another day You stay I may as well play Keep it up, keep it up Yo yo yo yo -- #ThePolice #WalkingOnTheMoon #ReggattaDeBlanc
