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Скачать с ютуб Lingoda Super Sprint: How to prepare (my study plan + tips) в хорошем качестве

Lingoda Super Sprint: How to prepare (my study plan + tips) 4 года назад

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Lingoda Super Sprint: How to prepare (my study plan + tips)

✨ Use my link to get 20€ or $25 OFF: Recently I decided to sign up for the Lingoda Super Sprint (a 3 month intensive where you will receive a refund if you complete all lessons), with the goal being to reach a B1 level in French (currently lower A2). I spent lots of time researching people's techniques when deciding whether or not to do the challenge, so thought I would share how I have prepared. I hope this helps and thank you for watching! 😊 ✨Checkout my video Lingoda review here:    • FULL Lingoda Review: Is It Really Wor...   ✨Checkout my video on how to win the Lingoda Super Sprint:    • Lingoda Super Sprint: How To Win And ...   *EXTRA TIPS* Use coupon codes (can be found on many coupon sites). Here one: Use a currency converter if they don’t have your currency. I saved $$$ by paying in EUR vs USD! Cancel your roll on subscription! Lingoda will automatically continue to charge you for classes the day after the sprint is finished. You are able to cancel roll on payments in the last month of the sprint. Read the terms and conditions carefully (no explanation required). *SHARE THE LOVE* If you are signing up feel free to use my referral code so we both get free stuff: mnvcyp *INSTAGRAM*   / bonnie__voyage   Lingoda website: MORE RESOURCES ABOUT THE LINGODA SPRINT 0:44 Goals 1:20 Before starting the sprint 1:54 Picking classes & your level 3:35 Picking the best teachers 4:25 Put it in your calendar! 5:02 Skipping vocab classes 7:05 Take advantages of the materials “To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world”
