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Скачать с ютуб Rywire Harness Unboxing and Installation в хорошем качестве

Rywire Harness Unboxing and Installation 3 месяца назад

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Rywire Harness Unboxing and Installation

I met Ryan back in 2008, maybe even earlier when he used to live in the Bay Area, I had asked Ryan for help with my CRX wiring harness issue I was having. I used to own a 1990 CRX SI and it didn’t last long and sold shortly after I swapped the a b series B16. Unfortunately I did not get to know Ryan nor hang out with him since he moved to L.A. and I wish I did. SoCal definitely acquired a great talented person who is well known in the automotive industry. This is my first official Rywire harness I am very pleased with the quality of the product. ​⁠harness by: ‪@rywire‬ #Rywire #honda #ekhatch
