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Adam Savage's Cave Loft Tour!

Here are parts of Adam's workshop that most people don't know exist! Adam takes you on a tour of the cave's loft spaces, where he is reorganizing his workshop storage and many projects in progress. It's full of gear, materials, and interesting artifacts from Adam's shows and builds, all hidden away above the parts of the cave you've seen in Tested videos. Let's climb up the steep ladder staircase and explore this space--watch out for the low ceiling! Join this channel to support Tested and get access to perks:    / @tested   Tested Ts, stickers, mugs and more: Subscribe for more videos (and click the bell for notifications): Twitter:   / testedcom   Facebook:   / testedcom   Instagram:   / testedcom   Discord:   / discord   Amazon Storefront: Savage Industries T-shirts: Tested is: Adam Savage   / donttrythis   Norman Chan   / nchan   Joey Fameli Gunther Kirsch Ryan Kiser   / ryan.kiser   Jen Schachter Kishore Hari   / sciencequiche   Sean Charlesworth   / cworthdynamics   Jeremy Williams   / jerware   Kayte Sabicer   / kaytesabicer   Bill Doran   / chinbeard   Ariel Waldman    / arielwaldman   Darrell Maloney    / brokennerd   Kristen Lomasney   / krystynlo   Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman Thanks for watching!
