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Get Paid Weekly Dividend Income QDTE vs QYLD 3 месяца назад

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Get Paid Weekly Dividend Income QDTE vs QYLD

New ETFs promise weekly dividend income and high dividend yields of 62% but are they too good to be true? How do the new QDTE and the XDTE 0DTE Dividend ETFs stack up against the QYLD Monthly Dividend? ✅ Watch Next - New Series revealing the Best Monthly Dividend Stocks starting with the 10 Highest Paying    • 10 Highest Paying Monthly Dividend St...   🤑 Get The Weekly Bow-Tie - my FREE weekly email newsletter sharing market updates, trends and the most important news! Market Updates for the Smart Investor! If you liked this video, these are perfect for you! » Do you know my favorite monthly dividend stock? If you buy just ONE, make it this one    • If You Buy ONE Monthly Dividend Stock...   » THESE 5 Monthly Dividend Stocks Beat the JEPI    • 5 Monthly Dividend Stocks that BEAT t...   » Buy These 12 Dividend Stocks for Cash Flow Every Week    • How to Invest $1000 for Dividend Inco...   » Just 4 Monthly Dividend Stocks will Give You Weekly Cash    • THESE 4 Monthly Dividend Stocks Pay Y...   The Roundhill Innovation 100 0DTE Covered Call ETF, ticker QDTE, a new #dividend income fund out since March. The QDTE is similar to the popular QYLD covered call ETF in that it uses call options to create the cash flow to pay #dividends but with a high yield twist. The fund invests in the 100 largest companies on the Nasdaq exchange, mostly tech stocks, and then every day sells call options against the position. The Roundhill S&P 500 0DTE Covered Call ETF, ticker XDTE, uses the same strategy but on the S&P 500 stocks. Both of these weekly dividend ETFs use the strategy made famous by the QYLD Monthly Income ETF but produce weekly dividend income. That and the 62% dividend yield may seem nice but there are pros and cons to these ETFs and you need to know them before you invest. I'll explain these new weekly #dividendstocks ETFs along with everything you need to know and compare them versus the QYLD and the XYLD. My Investing Recommendations 📈 📊 Download this Portfolio Tracker and Investing Spreadsheet! [Community Discount Code] 🤑 Save $150 Off the Ultimate Options Course and Get the Options Calculator and Strategy Finder Free ✅ FREE Report! See the top five stocks in my portfolio, the five stocks I'm buying for the next 30 years! 🤑 Join me on the Blossom app and see all the stocks in my portfolio! ✅ See why I transferred all my non-stock real estate investments to Arrived. Dividends up to 8% and double-digit returns on rental properties. Get started today! Quick-Start Guides! FREE Step-by-Step Guides to Get Started Fast! ⏩ Make an Investing Plan Right for YOU! 5-Minutes to a Personal Investing Plan ⏩ Easy, Step-by-Step to Analyzing Stocks! 5-Minute Guide to Picking the Best Stocks! Joseph Hogue, CFA spent nearly a decade as an investment analyst for institutional firms and banks. He now helps people understand their financial lives through dividend stocks, investing and ways to make more money. He has appeared on Bloomberg and on sites like CNBC and Morningstar. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and is a veteran of the Marine Corps. 0:00 Weekly Dividend Stock ETFs vs the QYLD 0:52 How does the QDTE Weekly Dividend ETF Work? 2:00 How do Income ETFs Work? 3:08 What is the Risk to the QDTE Weekly Dividend ETF? 4:21 ODTE Dividend Yield Calculation 6:18 How does the XDTE Weekly Dividend ETF Work? 7:31 XDTE Dividend Yield Calculation 9:37 Pros and Cons of Weekly Dividend ETFs 11:45 QDTE vs QYLD 15:18 How to Make Your Own Weekly Dividends 16:48 QDTE Weekly Dividend ETF vs QYLD Monthly Dividend 17:51 QDTE Weekly Dividend ETF vs Do-it-Yourself Disclosures: All content on this channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional financial advice or recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Trading stocks, ETFs, other securities, and/or cryptocurrencies poses a considerable risk of loss. Neither host or guests can be held responsible for any direct or incidental loss incurred by applying any of the information offered. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Should you need such advice, consult a licensed financial or tax advisor. When you make purchases through links in this video description, the author may earn a commission.
