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EAW Tour 2004 by Dave Menard 4 года назад

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EAW Tour 2004 by Dave Menard

Dave Menard's 2004 "Quick'N' Dirty " tour of EAW A bit of Pro Audio history, a video tour of Whitinsville, Massachusetts and EAW's manufacturing facility a few years after being acquired by Mackie /LOUD. Dave did most of EAW's video and animation along with the EAW marketing team (which had been reduced or moved to LOUD headquarters in Woodinville, WA by this point). We had to replace the original music Dave used for this video as it was done for internal use and they did not have the rights for the original music soundtrack we did our best to honor Dave's music choices using royalty free music). Today Dave is Director of Video and Multimedia at inMusic Inc. His Linkedin Profile is:   / davemenard  
