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Скачать с ютуб Tenerife 2020 - The Rumpot - A €3 Full English (Food Review) в хорошем качестве

Tenerife 2020 - The Rumpot - A €3 Full English (Food Review) 4 года назад

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Tenerife 2020 - The Rumpot - A €3 Full English (Food Review)

Join me in Costa Adeje, Las Americas Tenerife to review a Full English Breakfast at the world famous Rumpot. If you question yourself if you should pay for all inclusive at your hotel whilst on your holidays in Tenerife or eat out at one of the 1000’s of restaurants in the resort then sit back and watch my restaurant food review on the World Famous Rumpot’s Full English Breakfast. Buy Your MacMaster Merchandise at… Music in Vlog… No Rules - Fox Morrow Funk This Up - Fox Morrow Music From…
