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Скачать с ютуб The Best Bedwars Strategy (The Hive) Beginners Guide в хорошем качестве

The Best Bedwars Strategy (The Hive) Beginners Guide 6 месяцев назад

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The Best Bedwars Strategy (The Hive) Beginners Guide

In this video, I will be doing a tutorial on how to win more on Hive Bedwars. This tutorial teaches you how to PVP like a pro, and how to win every game. This video also goes in depth on explaining every little detail and even the finer things. This video was made for beginners, but ANY player of ANY skill level could still learn something new. Thanks for watching and if you've read this far, you might as well subscribe! #shorts #minecraft #pvp #cpvp #bedwars #mcpvp #hypixel #dragclicking #cpvpmontage #gaming #dragclick #thehive #hive #thehiveminigames #hivebedwars #hivegames #hivebedrocklive #hiveminigames #hivemc #minecraftgameplay #tutorial #guide #beginners #beginnerfriendly #hivepvp #hivepackfolder #mcpe #mcpeclients #minecraftshorts #minecraftpvptutorial
