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This is the 2025 BMW iX3 - BMW Vision Neue Klasse X

The BMW Vision Neue Klasse X is not just a concept. It’s a window into the near future of a veritable revolution within BMW. It not only paves the way for the brand’s first-ever dedicated electric car platform with round battery cells but it also previews a fresh design language and the next-generation iDrive. In this video, you can explore the new BMW Vision Neue Klasse X, including its technology inside. You also get to see the new iDrive system, along with the Panoramic Display and the HYPERSONX WHEEL. What's the HYPERSONX? It's a digital feature allowing passengers to customize the sound of their car. The concept is previewing the 2025 BMW iX3. Intro 0:00 Exterior Design 0:10 HYPERSONX Wheel 03:25 Interior & Tech 06:45 Please Subscribe and help us reach 200K 👉 Find all of our Amazon must-haves here: Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @bmwblog   ............................................................ Instagram:   / bmwblog   Facebook:   / bmwblog   Tiktok:   /   Twitter:   / bmwblog   BMWBLOG Website: ............................................................. Camera: GoPro 11 - Microphone: Rode Wireless GO II - #bmwvision #neueklasse #bmwix3 #bmwx3
