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Ice Cube Reveals Kevin Hart is a Handler For Hollywood's Elite

Ice Cube Reveals Kevin Hart is a Handler For Hollywood's Elite Chappelle said that his team played mind games with him, putting up walls around his workspace even though he didn't want them, planting false stories in the press, and treating him as if he were already crazy. "They put in the paper that I had pneumonia, but it must have been walking pneumonia, because I was walking all over the place," he said. "And in the paper the next day, it said that I had writer's block. I was like, 'What's going on?!' "But that’s not even the only part of Dave’s run-in with the elites that connects his story to Kevin Hart. See, shortly after the story with his contract passed, Dave revealed that he was once asked to put on a dress for a scene in a movie he was doing with Martin Lawrence. Please leave a like if you enjoyed the video ☕ On Spill Today you can expect the latest updates on all trending celebrity news and gossip! If you want to stay updated on more drama in the future, click the link to subscribe ➠    / @urbanvoicesofficial   #IceCube#KevinHunter#HollyWod#SpillToday
