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What is Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)? 3 года назад

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What is Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)?

Learn more about SRE → Learn more about DevOps → Watch "DevOps vs. SRE" lightboard video →    • DevOps vs. SRE: What's the difference?   Earn a badge with FREE interactive Kubernetes labs → Check out IBM Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps → Software development is constantly becoming faster and more complex which can be difficult for IT operations teams to keep up with. Luckily DevOps emerged to help teams follow a set of practices where they can better collaborate together and shorten their development lifecycle while providing continuous delivery. However, with all the improvements DevOps has provided organizations, they still did not have a dedicated person to focus on developing software systems that help improve their site reliability and performance. In this lightboard video, Bradley Knapp with IBM Cloud, breaks down how a Site Reliability Engineer, or SRE, is taking on this needed role for organizations to help them better manage systems, solve problems, and automate operations tasks. Get started on IBM Cloud at no cost → Subscribe to see more videos like this in the future → #SiteReliabilityEngineer #SRE #DevOps
