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Скачать с ютуб সবচেয়ে সস্তায় মাছ পাওয়া যায় " "আড়ংঘাটা মৎস্য আরত" Cheapest fish in the country " "Aranghata Arat" в хорошем качестве

সবচেয়ে সস্তায় মাছ পাওয়া যায় " "আড়ংঘাটা মৎস্য আরত" Cheapest fish in the country " "Aranghata Arat" 1 год назад

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সবচেয়ে সস্তায় মাছ পাওয়া যায় " "আড়ংঘাটা মৎস্য আরত" Cheapest fish in the country " "Aranghata Arat"

সবচেয়ে সস্তায় মাছ পাওয়া যায় " "আড়ংঘাটা মৎস্য আরত" Cheapest fish in the country " "Aranghata Arat" A wholesale fish market is a market where fish and other seafood are sold in large quantities to retailers, restaurants, and other businesses. These markets can be found in coastal cities and towns where there is a significant fishing industry. The fish and other seafood are typically sold in various sizes and types, including fresh, frozen, and canned. Bangladesh is a land of rivers, and its fisheries and aquaculture industry are significantly contributing to the country's economy as well as the dietary needs of the population. Bangladesh is also known as a leading producer of freshwater fish. The country has a long tradition of fish farming, and it is home to one of the largest wholesale fish markets in the world. The wholesale fish market in Bangladesh consists of several different kinds of markets that operate in a distributive system. The traditional markets are in the rural areas, where local brokers and fish traders mix with fishermen and buyers, and fish are commonly sold in small quantities. The urban fish markets, on the other hand, deal with larger quantities of fish and are typically located in the major cities. The largest wholesale fish market in Bangladesh is located in Dhaka, which is the capital city. The market is commonly known as the "Nunhala Fish Market," named after the adjacent river. The market covers an area of around 50 acres of land and has over 2,000 shops dealing in fish and other aquatic products. Nunhala fish market is one of the busiest and largest fish markets in Asia. The market operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and it is said that around 15,000 people are employed here. The market is divided into two sections: one section deals with fresh fish, while the other deals with frozen fish. The fresh fish section of the market is made up of several rows of shops, each specializing in a specific type of fish. You can find the hilsa, catfish, pabda, koi, tilapia, and many more species of freshwater fish. The fish come in from all over the country, including remote villages. The best time to buy fresh fish is in the morning when the fish are freshly caught and brought to the market. The frozen fish section, on the other hand, deals with frozen fish products. The wholesale frozen fish market in Dhaka is massive, covering around 22 acres of land. The market has over 3,000 shops and is the biggest frozen fish market in Bangladesh. The frozen fish market is divided into different sections according to the type of fish and whether it is imported or local. The sections in the frozen fish market include shrimp, prawns, lobster, crab, fish fillets, and other frozen marine products. Several local suppliers also deal with the export of frozen fish to other countries, particularly the Middle East. The wholesale fish market in Bangladesh is a hub of business activity, and buyers from all over the country and beyond come here to buy fish in bulk. The market is also a significant source of revenue for the government, with the Dhaka city corporation collecting substantial tax revenue from the market. However, the Nunhala fish market has faced several challenges in the past decade. Due to a rapid growth in population and urbanization, the market has become congested and outdated, leading to concerns about hygiene and safety. The market has been criticized for being unorganized and with no proper facilities for sanitation, including disposing of the waste generated every day. As a result, the Bangladesh government has proposed the construction of a modern, central fish market in the city to house all fish trading activities. The new facility aims to address some of the market's existing challenges and will include storage hubs, packaging facilities, advanced hulling systems, and drainage and solid waste management facilities. The new facility is being constructed with a budget of approximately 750 million BDTand is expected to be completed by 2022. In conclusion, the wholesale fish market in Bangladesh is a vital contributor to the country's economy and a significant source of food for the population. Despite the challenges faced by the Nunhala fish market, it remains one of the busiest and largest fish markets in Asia. The proposed central fish market in Dhaka is expected to address some of the concerns raised and modernize the sector. your quarries: khulna fish market,khulna fish farm,khulna fish,khulna fishing,khulna fishing zone,arongghata thana khulna,fish bangladesh bazar,jatrabari fish market today,fish market bd,মাছের বাজার,wholesale market in bd,wholesale fish market in bangladesh,wholesale fish market in dhaka,wholesale fish business,paikari macher bazar,maser bazar,kawran bazar vegetable market facebook :  / momowala.bd62   phone :01721572944
