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Nagaland Election 2023 News | PM Modi's Mantra For Nagaland Ahead Of Nagaland Assembly Election 1 год назад

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Nagaland Election 2023 News | PM Modi's Mantra For Nagaland Ahead Of Nagaland Assembly Election

PM Modi: Our mantra for Nagaland has been - Peace, progress and prosperity, and this is the reason people's trust in BJP is rising'.. PM highlights Khelo India Centres in Nagaland; focuses on the development of poor, Tribals and women.. 'we don't consider the 8 states of the Northeast as ATMs as the #Congress party did. For us, the 8 Northeast states are 'Ashta Lakshmi' #pmmodi #nagalandelection #englishnews #pmmodirally n18oc_politics
