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【K】Latvia Travel-Riga[라트비아 여행-리가]전통 호밀빵/Black rye bread/Spice/Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum

"■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】 ■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button) ■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓) ● Subscribe to YOUTUBE - ● Follow me on TWITTER - ● Like us on FACEBOOK - ● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - [한국어 정보] 이번엔 민속촌을 나와 라트비아 전통빵을 굽는 집을 찾았다. 전통 방식 그대로 가족을 위해 빵을 구워왔다는 아이나씨. “이것은 호밀빵을 만드는 거예요. 따뜻한 물을 넣고 쪄서 만들면 단맛이 강해져서 더 맛있어요” 100년을 이어온 씨반죽에 호밀가루와 소금, 설탕을 넣고 빵의 특별함을 더해줄 캐러웨이 향신료를 넣는다. 그리고 그 위에 따뜻한 물을 붓는데 설탕이 동시에 분리돼 단맛이 더 강해진다고 한다. 일주일에 한 번 굽는 호밀빵은 한 번에 6개에서 9개를 만든다. “손의 온도만큼 차가워질 때까지 식혀야 돼요” 10시간 이상 실온에서 발효시키면 반죽이 마치 빵처럼 부풀어 오르는데 그리고 나면 작은 도마 위에 반죽을 나누어 던다. “(밀가루를 아끼기 위해)사람들은 반죽을 단풍 나뭇잎 위에 올려요” 반죽을 조금도 허투루 쓰지 않기 위해 나뭇잎을 사용한 선조들의 지혜. 다음은 반죽을 다듬어 모양을 만들고 각자의 취향대로 위에 향신료를 뿌린다. 예전에는 라트비아 전통십자가 모양으로 뿌렸다. “(예로부터 전해져오기를)윗부분은 자신의 몫, 한 쪽은 아이들의 몫, 다른 쪽은 공동체의 몫 그리고 마지막은 가난한 사람들의 몫이라고 해요. 항상 이 순서인데 지금은 헷갈려요 왜냐하면 요즘은 아이들을 최우선으로 생각하니까요” 모양을 만든 반죽은 이제 오븐으로 옮겨진다. 태운 나무의 잔재로 굽는 호밀빵은 약 2시간을 구우면 완성이 된다. 시간이 지난 후 오븐에서 꺼낸 검은 호밀빵. 구수하고 담백한 게 라트비아 사람을 닮은 것 같다. [English: Google Translator] This time I came out of a folk village and found a house baking traditional Latvian bread. Aina, who has baked bread for her family in her traditional way. ""It's making rye bread. Put warm water and steamed it makes it stronger and stronger. ""I put the caraway rice spice that will add rye flour, salt and sugar to the dough for 100 years and add the special taste of bread. And when I pour warm water on it, sugar is separated at the same time and the sweetness becomes stronger. Rye bread bakes once a week makes six to nine pieces at a time. ""You have to cool it down until it gets cold as much as your hand."" If you ferment at room temperature for more than 10 hours, the dough will swell up like bread, then divide the dough on a small cutting board. ""(To save the flour) People put dough on the leaves of leaves."" The wisdom of the ancestors who used the leaves to spare no dough. Next, make a dough and shape the shape and sprinkle spices on top of each person's taste. In the past, it was sprinkled in the shape of a traditional Latvian cross. ""It is said that the upper part is their share, the other is the share of the children, the other is the share of the community, and the last is the share of the poor. This order is always confusing now because I think kids are top priority nowadays. ""The dough that has been shaped is now moved to the oven. Rye bread baked with the residue of the picked wood is completed by baking for about two hours. Black rye bread taken out of the oven over time. It seems to be resembling a Latvian person who is sober and clear. [Latvia: Google Translator] Šoreiz meklēja māju latviešu tautas cept tradicionālo maizi. Aina, kas viņai tradicionāli ir cepusi maizi ģimenei. ""Tas veic rudzu maizi. Put siltu ūdeni un pēc tam pievieno, lai radītu gardu tvaicēti saldu upi ""nodot Mr. aptver 100 gadus, No. miltu mīklas ar sāli, cukuru, garšvielas, ķimenes liek deohaejul ka īpašu maizi. Un cukurs ir noņemta, tajā pašā laikā, jūs gotta aplej ar karstu ūdeni tā jindago salds spēcīgāka. Rudzu maize, kas cepjas reizi nedēļā, vienā reizē sastāv no sešiem līdz deviņiem gabaliņiem. ""Jums to atdzist, līdz tā kļūst auksta tikpat lielā mērā, kā jūsu rokā."" Ja jūs fermentējat istabas temperatūrā vairāk nekā 10 stundas, mīkla uzbriest, piemēram, maizi, tad sadaliet mīklu uz mazas šķīvēšanas dēļiem. Par senču gudrība izmanto lapas, lai nerastos heoturu A ""(lai saglabātu kviešus) Cilvēki Liek mīklu uz kļavas lapu"" mīklu. Tālāk ir apgrieztas, lai izveidotu formu, mīklu un apkaisīt maurloki uz augšu, jo viņu gaumei. Agrāk tas tika pārkaisa tradicionālā latviešu krusta formā. ""Ir teikts, ka augšējā daļa ir viņu daļa, otrā ir bērnu daļa, otrā ir kopienas daļa, un pēdējā ir nabadzīgo īpatsvars. Šis rīkojums vienmēr ir neskaidrs, jo es domāju, ka bērni mūsdienās ir galvenā prioritāte. ""Mīkla, kas ir izveidota, tagad tiek pārvietota uz krāsni. Rudzu maizes cepšanai palieku dedzinātu koksnes kļūst pilnīgs deg apmēram divas stundas. Laika gaitā izņemta melnā rudzu maize. Šķiet, ka tas ir līdzīgs tādam latviešu cilvēkam, kurš ir prātīgs un skaidrs. [Information] ■클립명: 유럽081-라트비아03-09 라트비아 전통 호밀빵 ■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 홍은희 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer) ■촬영일자: 2018년 2월February [Keywords] 마을,village,camel, dune, sand, ATV,기타장소,place,기타체험,체험,,experience,빵,bread,특산품,local products,유럽Europe라트비아LatviaLatvijaLatvijas Republika 홍은희20182월리가RigaFebruary걸어서 세계속으로"
