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Скачать с ютуб The Most Versatile Transit for Your City | "CityTrains" в хорошем качестве

The Most Versatile Transit for Your City | "CityTrains" 1 год назад

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The Most Versatile Transit for Your City | "CityTrains"

Use code RMTRANSIT at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan: Watch this video ad-free on Nebula: From buses to high speed rail to trams, different transit modes tend to have their niches. But in today's video we talk about one that seems to supersede them and has massive potential for the future: High-floor trams. As always, leave a comment down below if you have ideas for our future videos. Like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon so you won't miss my next video! =PATREON= If you'd like to help me make more videos & get exclusive behind the scenes access and early video releases, consider supporting my Patreon! Every dollar goes towards helping my channel grow & reach more people. Patreon:   / rmtransit   =ATTRIBUTION= Epidemic Sound (Affiliate Link): Nexa from Map Data © OpenStreetMap contributors: =COMMUNITY DISCORD SERVER= Discord Server:   / discord   (Not officially affiliated with the channel) =MY SOCIAL MEDIA= Twitter:   / rm_transit   Instagram:   / rm_transit   Website: Substack: =ABOUT ME= Ever wondered why your city's transit just doesn't seem quite up to snuff? RMTransit is here to answer that, and help you open your eyes to all of the different public transportation systems around the world! Reece (the RM in RMTransit) is an urbanist and public transport critic residing in Toronto, Canada, with the goal of helping the world become more connected through metros, trams, buses, high-speed trains, and all other transport modes.
