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Скачать с ютуб Vango Drive-Away Awning - Sapera AirAway® filmed 2013 в хорошем качестве

Vango Drive-Away Awning - Sapera AirAway® filmed 2013 11 лет назад

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Vango Drive-Away Awning - Sapera AirAway® filmed 2013

The new Sapera range of free-standing drive away awnings offers unrivaled convenience to discerning motor-home and campervan owners seeking extra living, storage or bedroom space. Using tried and tested Vango AirBeam technology, Vango have taken awnings to the next level by making them easier and quicker to pitch than ever before. Applying nearly 50 years of cutting edge tent design and technology, Vango has produced a feature-packed range of awnings to suit all needs. The spacious Sapera awning is available in 2 sizes (standard and tall), features high quality 150 denier Protex fabric and comes in a convenient carry bag that is easy to store. All Vango drive away awnings come with a wide range of attachment mechanisms making them simple and convenient to attach to your vehicle. Join the revolution with a Vango AirBeam Awning
