The video follows a Magic: The Gathering player as they discover a binder of cards at a rummage sale. The binder contains a variety of cards, including dual lands, Reserved List cards, and other valuable items. The player is excited about the find and plans to assess the value of the collection.
14088 5 месяцев назад 10:16The video discusses the potential for a new "reserve list" for cards from Magic: The Gathering's "Universes Beyond" sets, specifically the Warhammer 40k Commander decks. The video explores the concerns that these cards, which are not planned for reprint, could become expensive and inaccessible due to limited supply.
39967 2 года назад 4:03This video reviews the Commander pre-constructed decks, ranking them on a tier list. The reviewer considers factors like competitiveness, upgrade potential, and thematic consistency. They go through each deck, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately assigning it a tier based on their assessment.
39209 1 год назад 16:07