This video follows a person exploring the Amazon Spheres in Seattle. They express feelings of being small and trapped, but also a desire for freedom and self-discovery. The video features upbeat music and inspiring lyrics about finding one's way and embracing life's journey.
18749 1 год назад 8:47This video takes viewers on a tour of the Amazon Spheres, a unique indoor rainforest located in Seattle. The spheres are a popular destination for both Amazon employees and the public, offering a tranquil escape from the city. The video highlights the diverse plant life, the cafe, and the overall atmosphere of the spheres.
1269 2 года назад 3:46This video takes viewers on a tour of the Amazon Spheres, a unique office space in Seattle that features a lush indoor tropical garden. The tour guide discusses the design and construction of the Spheres, the challenges of maintaining a diverse ecosystem indoors, and the strategies used to keep pests at bay.
79743 4 года назад 13:00