This video follows a person's journey to feed their family for $100 a month. They share their process for planning meals, including inventorying perishable food, checking grocery store flyers, and creating a menu plan. The video also includes tips for saving money on groceries, such as buying loss leader items and utilizing coupons.
131267 1 год назад 18:09This video documents the final week of a 30-day challenge to eat three meals a day on a $100 grocery budget. The creator shares their meals and recipes, highlighting the importance of resourcefulness and community support. They also discuss their plans for a new challenge in August.
87460 7 месяцев назад 11:52This video explores a student's meal plan for living on £10 a week at Aldi. The student, a colleague at Latest Deals, shares their budget-friendly grocery list and meal plan, which includes basic staples like porridge, potatoes, eggs, and spaghetti hoops. The video highlights the affordability of Aldi's Essentials range and provides inspiration for those looking to save money on groceries.
99280 1 год назад 6:53