This video follows a person's morning routine, starting at 7:45 AM. They go to the gym, eat a protein yogurt bowl, and then get ready for the day. They share their favorite skincare products and makeup techniques, and also discuss their experience with noise-reducing earplugs.
808056 9 месяцев назад 11:34This video follows a person's morning routine, inspired by the "that girl" trend. They share their tips for feeling refreshed and energized, including meditation, making a matcha latte, and enjoying a healthy breakfast. The video concludes with them getting ready for the day, emphasizing the importance of feeling confident and put-together.
146384 9 месяцев назад 9:37The video follows a person as they attempt a "That Girl" morning routine, aiming for productivity and aesthetics. They wake up early, drink apple cider vinegar, ice their face, and make avocado toast, all while documenting their experience and sharing their thoughts on the process.
101755 2 месяца назад 20:34This video shares a detailed morning routine designed to promote wellness and productivity. The creator emphasizes the importance of starting the day with intention and self-care, including hydration, gratitude journaling, skincare, and a low-impact workout. They also highlight the benefits of planning their day and getting dressed for success, even when working from home.
153071 11 месяцев назад 12:47