This video follows a day in the life of Brianna, an individual who shares their post-exam routines, including cooking, cleaning, and self-care rituals. The video features a glimpse into their daily life, including a trip to the Asian grocery store to make a traditional dish, and a look at their favorite books.
108235 3 дня назад 16:58This video follows a student through a day, starting with waking up and getting ready for school. They attend classes, work on projects, and meet with friends. The video includes glimpses into their daily routine, including their skincare and sleep habits.
382628 1 месяц назад 16:53The video follows a day in the life of a content creator, starting with a Starbucks run and a visit to Target. They share their daily routine, including getting ready, trying out new products, and spending time with friends. The video ends with the creator preparing for bed and editing the vlog.
2401827 1 год назад 10:44This vlog follows a day in the life of a person who is embracing the fall season. They go shopping for fall essentials, bake cinnamon rolls, and decorate their apartment. They also share their favorite smoothie recipe and their new nighttime routine.
171898 1 месяц назад 10:36